Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The internet is awesome.

As of today, I have had 2 lectures in this unit. The first one, more of an introduction to the unit, was a good start of what to expect and how things are going to work. It also included a brief rundown of how the internet works, how data is sent via packets, bigger the bandwidth the better etc etc. To be honest, none of that stuff was really new to me. But it is good to have a refresh. But moving onto the 2nd lecture, now that was very interesting. It addressed blogs, and how to use them, their role and popularity in the 21st century.* One of today's noteworthy quotes from the lecture is " (the internet is the) easiest, cheapest and fastest publishing tool ever invented". I never really thought about it until now, but it is 100% correct. As our lecturer stated, "In order to get from a-e, you had to go through b,c, and d. But the internet cuts all that out." You no longer need to apply to for publishing, cover the inital costs, have the item printed, then released (you still would if you wanted to get something published in a hard copy) but getting ideas, and a point of view to an audience is as simple as going to website, signing up on website, writing idea, post. 5 min of effort compared to weeks. Pretty easy huh? So i guess on a whole, the internet makes things a lot easier to access. Movies you can download, music and videos you can view on youtube, directions from getting from A to B are on google.maps and you can even shop for items and buy things without leaving the comfort of your own home. So i guess our society now heavily relies on computers and the internet in order to communicate, and get things done. And how else would I be able to watch the amazingness that is Trent from Punchy without youtube?

But seriously the internet is awesome and we would be screwed without it.

Also, here is my delicious:

*On a side note, Band of Brothers just started on TV, and if this blog now slips into that average to poor catagory, sorry, but seriously, band of brothers, I think you will understand.

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